About Implied Motion - Virtual Reality Education
We are next generation virtual reality education content and software development company located in Vancouver, Canada and Sydney, Australia.
A virtual reality think tank of new concepts in augmented and virtual video production, post-production and delivery.
Immersive Virtual Reality Content
Virtual Reality education through immersive 360 2D and 360 3D content takes you to places all around the world. Visit hard to reach locations anywhere in the World in an instant. Walk through ancient monuments. Travel to remote areas and see endangered rainforests, Antarctic landscapes or even travel in space.
Engaging Virtual Reality Education Experiences
Virtual Education which engages the viewer and educates them in new ways. Interactivity in a 360 / 3D virtual World. Viewers interact with dynamic virtual reality content which displays dynamic information based on where the viewer looks or clicks in a 360 degree spherical virtual space. Viewers are engaged by the appearance of elements which can appear or disappear. Informational banners can appear or a video or audio file can played.
Multi-Plot Story Virtual Reality Immersion
360 / 3D immersive educational stories which change depending on what the viewer looks at while the story is being played. Engaging virtual reality content and virtual reality education interacts with the viewer by creating “hotspots” of interactivity. Immersive virtual reality storytelling in virtual reality creates a movie-like experience where the viewer changes the outcome of the story.
Tactile Virtual Reality Education Instruction
With the explosion of tactile virtual realty gloves and interactive 360 / 3D computer generated animations, real-time virtual lessons can be created in the trade and technical fields. Complex tasks can be remotely taught as students are able to virtually manipulate machine repairs or surgical procedures. Teachers can view a student’s actions in real-time creating valuable feedback before only available through practical labs.
Virtual Reality Education Learning Games
360 / 3D Virtual Reality mobile and desktop games which can teach students anything from basic math or spelling to complex cognitive reasoning. Immerse virtual reality games interact with viewers in real-time and can provide feedback about eye-movement, facial expressions, read heart-rates and much more. Real-time feedback to an A.I learning algorithm which changes the parameters of it’s lessons based on user feedback.
Virtual reality education Remote Learning and Interactivity
Virtual worlds of learning where students can talk and listen to other students, teachers or peers. Watch virtual seminars in real-time from any location in the World as both students and speakers interact in a virtual 360 space. Remote learning is the future and students can attend seminars and speaking engagements without ever having to leave their home-towns.
Virtual Reality Blog
What is virtual reality? Why is it taking over the World as a new medium of teaching students.

Virtual Reality News
Find our the latest news about Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

Virtual Reality Education
Immersive and engaging lessons for students to interact with other students, peers or teachers. Our dedication to creating compelling virtual educational content experiences interactive and experiential like never before.

360 / 3D Virtual Reality Content Creaton
Creating compelling educational content such as immersive travel videos and interactive virtual tours.
Augmented Reality Educational Content
360 / 3D Real-Time animated interactive virtual reality computer simulations and augmented reality holographic video and audio experiences.
Virtual Reality Mobile and Desktop Software
The development of state-of-the-art virtual reality experiences in mobile application and desktop application development. The merging of art and science.